The bulk of steel production results in multi-purpose low carbon steels containing from 0.15% to 0.8% manganese. A large proportion consists of low carbon steel sheets with less than 0.3% manganese, some with even less than 0.2% for extra deep drawing qualities. High strength steels with a yield strength over 500MPa, and representing 3 to 4% of the tonnage of steel produced, contain over 1% manganese. A large number of these are high strength low alloy steels (HSLA). They are low carbon, controlled-rolled steels containing higher manganese levels (1.0% to 1.8%), taking advantage of its beneficial effect on the austenitic transformation temperature to obtain a very fine ferrite structure. Micro-alloying additions help to refine the structure or to strengthen the steel through carbide or nitride precipitates which are evenly distributed in the ferrite matrix. These steels are widely used for oil/gas pipelines, shipbuilding and in transportation equipment in order to reduce weight.
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